
About HappyFox

What is HappyFox?

HappyFox Chat is a Live Chat software build for increasing sales. We are trusted by more than ten thousands of companies worldwide including Upswing, Olukai, Jabra and BGZ Brands.


Live Chat –HappyFox chat helps you to talk with your website visitors in real time. Through Live Chat you can increase sales and conversion rate.

Customer Support – There is a high chance in increasing conversion rate by responding to customer queries and request immediately. HappyFox Chat helps your customer support team to handle multiple sessions at a time and thereby you can increase customer satisfaction.

Chatbot –Our AI powered Chatbot will handle common questions and so that your customer support team only need to focus on complex questions.

Integrations – HappyFox Chat has integrations with Mailchimp, Shopify, Pipedrive, WordPress, and more.

HappyFox Inc.

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