
About MySocialApp

What is MySocialApp?

MySocialApp is a social media management software for increasing your engagement in social media. We are trusted by leading companies including sport mycoach, Comedia, NousMotards and Mycoach by FFC. Our platform has an array of features to increase your audience engagement.


In-app News Feed – Through in-app news feed you can increase the audience engagement. Smart notification brings your audience to app at the right time and real time messaging holds your audience to stay online.

Organic Push notifications- This feature helps to get audience attention fast and by adding images or videos you can make the post attractive. Per minute, you can sent 100000 push notifications per app.

Automation –Our powerful automation technology, automates your mobile user engagement strategy.

Analytics – Our powerful tools gives a detailed analytical report on your social media performance. It helps to increase engagement and your revenue.


MySocialApp Screenshots