Pimcore Features
Accepts all forms of credit cards.
Offers the option to pay a specific portion of the bill.
Allows to use multiple forms or combinations of payment types.
Offers option to deduct money from a tab at a percentage or specific number.
Facilitates the cancellation and/or reimburse a payment.
Provides credit to the store instead of a reimbursement.
Offers servers the power to adjust gratuity based on customer preference.
Takes payments without internet.
Takes payments on a PC, tablet, smart phone, or other mobile device.
Transfers funds to a desired account the day after payment.
Customer Management
Provides regular customers with the option to join a store membership.
Tracks customer information for easier interactions with repeat customers.
Stores credit card numbers locally for ease of interaction with customers.
Inventory Management
Keeps record of inventory in the system.
Receives notifications when stock for a particular product is low or empty.
Easily organizes categories of products or items in the system.
Keeps record of inventory across multiple locations.
Product Catalog
Ability to add/update products, product pricing, product information and other content included on eCommerce site.
Ability to all users select options to configure the product or select product options. For example, color, size, etc.
Provides rich user experience to find products on site through site wide search, faceted navigation, product filtering and sorting.
Provides functionality specific to selling intangible products such as: Subscriptions, Trials, Perpetual Licencing, Downloads, Free Trials, etc.