
About Sailthru

What is Sailthru?

Sailthru is a marketing automation platform for growing your businesses by providing the best customer experience. Sailthru is part of the CM- family group of brands which includes Campaign Monitor, Delivra, Emma, Liveclicker and Vuture.


Marketing Automation and Lifecycle Management – Automate all the activities in launching campaigns and can instantly respond to all your customers across multiple channels easily.

Customer data and Insights – Sailthru has wide array of features to leverage your customer engagement on each channel and is the best platform for email marketing. It improves the relevance of email marketing by combining email, web, mobile and social data.

Manage – By using Sailthru you can manage all your campaigns across multiple social channels easily.

Analyze – In-depth analytical tools provide detailed report base on impact of each campaigns.



Sailthru Screenshots