DIMO Maint

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DIMO Maint is a CMMS software to improve your team productivity. We have 25 years of work experience and used...


DIMO Maint

About DIMO Maint

What is DIMO Maint?

DIMO Maint is a CMMS software to improve your team productivity. We have 25 years of work experience and used by more than 4000 customers worldwide.


Asset Management –You can easily find out your assets and all information associated with it.

Analytics –DIMO Maint’s dashboard gives you a complete visibility on your performance in real time. You can easily arrange the key indicators and dynamically filter all these data by clicking on any site, equipment, brand etc.

Customer Management – DIMO Maint helps in better customer contact management and offers powerful intuitive tools to build stronger relationship with them.

DIMO Software

DIMO Maint Screenshot